Our Team of Plumbing Engineers make designs the hot and cold-water systems in different types of project such commercial buildings & heavy industry project. When a new building is in its early design stages, our engineers verifies every pipe connection is correct and that every hydro related design is as efficient as possible.
We are providing the optimum solution by selecting the materials to be used for the plumbing system to ensure it will last years into the building’s life.
Plumbing solutions for water supply, both potable cold water and DHW (domestic hot water).
Cold and hot water network to be shown on design drawings with network schematics and indicating all pipe sizes as per project requirements and relative standard.
Water Pumps, Water Heaters, Isolating valves sizes and locations to be shown on design drawings including calculation notes.
Drainage of wastewater (sewage) from inside a building and drainage/treatment of external surface runoff around a building
Complete solution for Drainage network to shown on drawings with hydraulic calculation for this network.
A/C drain to shown on drawings separately to be considered with HVAC construction phase.